lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010


"We prerare leaders for future to direct correctly our country"

The career has 8-10 semesters and 170 credits to aprove. it is looking forward to create a political and competent way of thinking, able to be leader, the political analyst can be an analyst, an adviser, or can work for an NGO´s, can design strategies, politics, research.

The program has 105 conventions for internships around the world, in Europe, North America, and Latin Ameria, and it offers the possibility to learn 9 languages during the career, like latin, turkish, english, french, german, and some more...

The program offers:
ethic, history, geography, statistics, research, government,  laws, international relationships, economy, new nations, democracy, literature, and applications to life.

Why not sociology or antropology?

A sociologist is a person able to be succesful in a lot of jobs, and works like academic research, independent consulting, NGO´s works, government agencies, social aspects of private sector, but also wich is able to understand society and reality, do research and communicate his results.

An antropologist is a person able to be teacher, or investigate, acces to a lot of programs that can be helpfull after, be a consultor, work at NGO´s and cooperation agencies.

Those are options that we must look before choosing a career, because after four or five years of it, there is no chance to say: Hey I don´t like this! so the Rosary University in Colombia, offers both and they have almost the same program, they teach communication, logic, maths, introduction to sociology, society, ethics, history of the world, and Colombian history, economics, arts, globalization, demography that´s for sociology, the difference between sociology and antropology is that in antropology they teach: sub-communication, sub-logic, antropology, social sciences, constitution, ethics, history of the world and Colombian history, arts, languages, society, etnography, special antropology, globalization, and culture.

martes, 24 de agosto de 2010


This is the top five of the universities that offer political sciences, since 1993.

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

POLITICAL SCIENCE definition from "Wikipedia"

Political science is a social science concerned with the theory and practice of politics and the description and analysis of political systems and political behavior. Political scientists "see themselves engaged in revealing the relationships underlying political events and conditions. And from these revelations they attempt to construct general principles about the way the world of politics works." Political science intersects with other fields; including public policy, national politics, international relations, comparative politics, and political theory.